In Alchemiracle, you have designed a tool that let's you wield magic like the best of them, too bad you're too slow to the battle. Clean up the aftermath while you make your way to the castle to prove yourself as a true hero.

Solo Team so sorry for the rough edges

Best Played in windowed, full screen has issues.


W,A,S,D  -  move around
E - interact with magic points
* Blue Magic means you can lift and move those items
* Red Magic is to dispell (careful, results may very).
* Green Magic is to reverse time. Put this back they way they were
* Orange Magic are swappable items. Mix and match, but look out you won't be able to move once starting your selection.
Left Click to activate a sleep spell.
C - Check your Objectives
X - Proceed through Dialogue
Esc - Open up the Menu, from there you can access the controls, or return to the main menu

Known Issues

* Pause Menu doesn't work on Level 3 (It's really short if you need to finish quickly you can)
* You can close the Pause menu while the controls and back to menu warning are up. Pressing Esc will let you fix it.
* Level Select Numbers got  corrupted
* The Brick Wall in level 2 can accidentally push you out of the world

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